What could be difficult to publish posts on Facebook? It is generally accepted that any schoolboy will cope with this task. But one thing is when you post posts on your personal page, and the other on corporate.
Unfortunately, many Facebook users make a lot of mistakes when posting content on their public pages, sometimes even without realizing it. It seems to them that such “detail”, as a extra reference or phrase, will not make any difference. Still it will make!
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In this article, we’ll look at 6 common mistakes that can spoil even the most wonderful posts on Facebook. Carefully study these cases, if you do not want the time and effort that you spend on promoting your company in a popular social network, go to hell.
Mistake # 1: too much text.
Do not forget that Facebook is a social network, not a blog. And this means that your posts should be extremely concise. Their goal – to encourage readers to one of the following actions: like, share, comment or follow the link. If your subscribers see a huge sheet of text before them, most likely they just scroll it down without even looking at it.
Limit the length of your posts on Facebook. Ideally, their length should not exceed 140-200 characters.
By observing this rule, you will learn how to express your ideas clearly and concisely and make them more accessible to your subscribers.
Consider for example the following post, in which the psychologist advertises his book:
As you can see, the author of the post is trying to fit a bunch of information into one post. In the beginning, it indicates the title of the lecture. Then he starts to talk about the essence of manipulation and tells about the benefits of lecture and training. And at the very end it refers to other training’s.
If your post turned out to be just as huge, then it’s better to break it into several parts and publish them during the day.
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Mistake # 2: Multiple links in one post.
Each post published on Facebook must contain only one call to action, followed by a link. If there are several of them, the readers will be confused and will not be able to learn important information. This, in turn, will reduce the number of referrals for your links.
Consider every post posted on Facebook, as an online advertisement. He should briefly report on one valuable proposal, whether it be photo, video, e-book or product information, and encourage readers to commit a particular action.
Mistake # 3: explicit advertising of products and services in the post.
This error is usually tolerated by businessmen who registered their companies on Facebook relatively recently. They view this social network as a traditional marketing tool, like flyers and print advertising, and then wonder why they do not get any results.
In fact, there is nothing wrong with advertising your products and services through posts on Facebook.
However, you must show a little creativity. Your posts should not only praise your company, but also provide value to the readers in the form of a bonus or useful information. By promoting products and services on Facebook, you can also make your subscribers an exclusive offer, something like 20% discount for buyers from Facebook for example.
Due to this offer, subscribers of your business feel like members of a privileged group: after all, a discount is provided only to them. Thus, they will have more incentive to remain clients of this company and to be active on its public page.
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Mistake # 4: ignoring negative comments.
When using Facebook and other social networks, you should always remember one important thing: your work is not limited to posting posts. You need to constantly track them to find out how popular they are, to respond to readers’ comments and optimize their subsequent marketing activities.
You must respond to all comments of your subscribers, which contain any question, proposal or negative feedback (comments such as “Cool post!” Or “Fully agree!” Do not require an answer).
If you leave such comments unattended, your subscribers will think that you do not care about their opinion.
Negative comments need to be processed first, so as not to exclude the commentator and other users who notice them. You should always submit your arguments immediately under the comment. Do not wait until an angry client publishes an article in the local newspaper that carries your company to pieces.
As you know, one negative comment, not processed on time, entails new negative feedback, like a chain reaction. We can say that the reputation of the business mentioned in the post is irrevocably spoiled. Customers who were going to visit this institution will henceforth bypass it. And why? Because the staff did not bother to explain the situation to the dissatisfied visitor in time.
Another thing is when the employees of the company immediately respond to negative customer comments
When processing negative comments, it is important to remember the following points:
- Do not argue with the client. If he expresses dissatisfaction, then there is a reason for this. So apologize and try to help him. It is advisable to give him a discount or other bonus to compensate for moral or material damage.
- Adhere to the informal tone of communication. If your answer to a negative review is written in the style of a corporate application or a press release, customers will think that you are simply trying to get rid of them. So avoid too formal and dry phrases.
- It is not necessary to delete negative comments. Of course, you want your company to have an impeccable reputation, but getting rid of negative feedback is not the best solution. This will cause even greater discontent among your customers, and they will stop using your services.
- Negative comments are not so bad. After all, if a client has received a negative experience while interacting with your company, you still have the opportunity to improve and prove to him that his opinion is not indifferent to you. Agree, it will be much worse if the client does not express his discontent, but simply stops buying your goods or using your services.
Error number 5: begging for likes and shares.
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Do not be obsessive, asking the subscribers of your company for likes and shares. You will look like a beggar and thus spoil your reputation. If you still want to increase the number of likes and shares of your posts, then offer your subscribers some bonus, so they have the incentive to respond to your request.
Ask your subscribers for likes and rassharivaniyah only if you are ready to offer them something in return.
You must provide them with a compelling reason to click on the “Like” or “Share” button. You can formulate your call-to-action as follows:
- Like our post and get a 10% discount! The offer is valid only for our subscribers.
- Like our post and get access to exclusive photos and videos with our products!
- First of all, we publish information about new products on our Facebook page. Click “Like” to always be in the subject.
Mistake # 6: Long URLs
Long links that you include in your posts, clutter up your publications and give them a careless look. Here is one example:
Long links reduce the quality of your posts
This abracadabra of random numbers and letters takes two whole lines and significantly spoils the appearance of the post, is not it?
And here’s another example, which already uses a short link:
Readers are much more pleased to see short links
As you can see, the post has become more concise, accurate and readable. And all thanks to the shortening of the length of the link.
Do you want to reduce the size of your URLs? You can do it easily using the free Bitly.com service:
Bitly.com will help you reduce the length of your links in a few seconds
It’s very easy to use. Just enter your URL in the empty field and click the “Shorten” button. As a result, you will receive a unique and accurate URL, which will no longer irritate your subscribers.
Do not ignore the little things
So, we looked at the main mistakes that could spoil the attractiveness of your posts in the social network Facebook. Be attentive to every detail of your publications, no matter how insignificant they may seem. After all, it is from such detail that the opinion of real and potential customers about your company develops.