Every marketer would give a lot for the ability to work with Twitter so that the number of followers constantly grew and was estimated in tens and hundreds of thousands, and every tweet found a response and gave feedback. But thanks to a recent study of Hubspot you don’t have to give anything.
Experts of this marketing company have studied hundreds of thousands of tweets. They found patterns that affect the popularity of messages in the service of microblogging.
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Marketers learned how to attract followers
Tens of thousands of subscribers are following new messages from famous people and popular brands published on Twitter. Followers instantly reply and comment on tweets of famous news-makers and fashion trends-men, increasing their popularity and authority, and also increasing traffic and search rating of their sites. Therefore, many marketers use Twitter to promote young projects, trying to catch up with the number of subscribers of well-known brands and reputable entrepreneurs.
However, more often than not, start-up entrepreneurs manage to sign for updates several dozen people, most of whom are friends, relatives or colleagues of a businessman. The result is another Twitter account that idly shoots links in all directions of the Internet universe.
The Hubspot experts’ recommendations, compiled from a large-scale study of hundreds of thousands of tweets and Twitter accounts, will help to avoid this problem.
Two key characteristics of popular tweets
Hubspot specialists studied 1.2 million tweets and found factors influencing their popularity. They formulated 10 tips for marketers wishing to use Twitter effectively to promote projects.
The first two councils are based on the key characteristics of the most successful tweets. They allow you to increase the number of retweets by tens of percent, practically without changing the content strategy. To increase the popularity of messages on Twitter, follow these guidelines:
- Include hashtags in the messages. This increases the number of retweets by 55%. Including hashtags in tweets, you increase the reach of the audience. However, remember that more than three hashtags in one message make it almost unreadable.
- Cite interlocutors and / or popular Twitter users. This increases the number of retweets by 30%. Users of the microblogging service like to quote each other and better notice messages with quotes. Citation increases the number of retweets by 30%
Visual content – Twitter’s king
Today, almost every person has a gadget on hand that allows them to take photos. At the same time, many of these gadgets allow you to instantly publish created photos in social networks. This is good news for marketers, since it is the photo that remains the main magnet for users of social networks.
Hubspot experts studied almost 500,000 tweets with photos and identified the main factors of their popularity. The following guidelines will help you increase the efficiency of using photos on Twitter:
- Upload photos to pic.Twitter.com. Users are almost twice as likely to replicate tweets, which include pictures from this service.
- As an alternative, pay attention to the Twitpic platform. Using this service increases the number of retweets by 60%.
- Do not include photos from Instagram or links to photos on Facebook. This reduces the popularity of messages by 42 and 47% respectively. Perhaps the low popularity of tweets, which used the opportunities of Facebook and Instagram, can be explained by the competition of the world’s largest social network with Twitter.
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The most effective are calls to action.
According to Hubspot, calls for action increase the number of retweets. But not all of them are equally effective. Researchers chose the seven most popular in the English-language segment of the Internet calls for action and evaluated their impact on the popularity of messages. In doing so, they operated not with an absolute number of retweets, but with rationality / number of followers.
The following recommendations are based on the results of the Hubspot study:
Working in the English-speaking segment of the Internet, use the calls “please help” and “please retweet”. They increase the number of retweets by more than 100%.
Use other calls to action, including the words “please”, “please” and the abbreviations “plz”, “pls”, distributed on the Web. Good manners help even on Twitter, where each character is on the account. This explains the high effectiveness of calls to action “please RT” and phrases containing the word “please”.
If you are in a hurry and are ready to partially sacrifice efficiency, use laconic appeals such as “repost”, “retweet”, “distribute”. In the English-speaking segment of the Network, the calls “retweet” and “spread” remain effective enough.
Use calls like “visit”, “go” only if the traffic to the site is more important to you than the number of retweets. The call “visit” increases the popularity of messages on Twitter by less than 20%.
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What is the optimal length of tweets.
Hubspot experts studied 1.4 million tweets published in 1.2 million Twitter accounts to find the optimal message length. Based on the results of the study, they formulated the following recommendation:
Publish tweets of about 120 characters. The longer the message, the more users replicate it. However, after crossing the mark of 120 signs, this pattern does not work. This is due to the fact that the audience does not have the opportunity to add a comment or a link to the tweet. In the picture below you can see how ignoring this rule affects the frequency of retweets.
To increase the number of retweets, it is enough to use simple tricks. The inclusion of hashtags and quotes in messages increases their popularity by tens of percent. The photos uploaded to the Twitpic and pic.Twitter.com services also significantly increase the number of retweets.
The word “please” and its calls to action refer to the simplest ways to stimulate retweets. At the same time, Twitter users are willing to share messages, the length of which is from 100 to 120 characters.