White Hat SEO methods of website promotion

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Despite the fact that the launch of Google Penguin had a devastating effect on sites with a questionable link profile, quality backlinks continue to form the basis for the successful promotion of the site in Google.

Here we will consider 7 tactics of white website promotion by backlinks. In fact, the tactician, of course, is a good dozen more, but here we describe only the main trends that prevail in SEO and content marketing.

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The terms “backlink”, “back links”, “building back links”, “link mass” often have a negative connotation due to merciless and inept exploitation of this method of promotion by third-rate SEO agencies and artisan optimizers. In truth, for many ordinary people, the very phrase “lingbilding” is quite associated with the black methods of promotion.

And until now, the perception of the instrument itself remains negative-negative, despite the fact that the backlinks themselves are one of the most important ranking factors in Google quite officially.

But on internet, the damage and manipulation of backlinks turned out to be so great, and due to many factors, quality websites are not so many that back links in the ranking are almost not taken into account.

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Google Penguin and its impact on search results

Since September 2016, the Google Penguin algorithm began to work as a permanent update in real time mode within the main search algorithm Google. The Penguin himself appeared in 2012. The result of this algorithm is that sites with bad and substandard links are being identified and punished very quickly.

For those SEO professionals who still use black methods of website promotion, this means a loss of space for a maneuver, when manipulations with delivery were made to demonstrate a quick result. Now this is much more difficult. And, in practice, inevitably leads to the ban.

What does all this mean for those who promote sites with backlinks in 2017? Well, it turns out that Penguin continues to put pressure on SEO-optimizers, forcing them to do everything right. But, the window within which these actions are allowed to not fall under the sanction of the algorithm, has become much smaller.

It turns out that in 2017 there are practically no ways to quickly build up a large and high quality reference mass without getting sanctioned. The only way is to work for the future, step-by-step build-up of quality links, through the creation of useful and high-quality content.

Let’s turn to our list of useful methods of white promotion, as well as tell about some old tactics of reference promotion, about which it’s time to start forgetting.

black hat seo and white hat infographic

The method of website promotion through PBN is dead

To create and use your own network of sites or PBN (Private Blog Network) for promotion hardly makes sense. A few years ago, this method worked well, but the risks associated with scaling this activity multiplied by the time and money spent on creating its grid made this method not cost-effective.

With the idea that getting a real high-quality link that Google will take into account, without the risk of getting under the sanctions, is getting heavier and heavier. It makes sense to start building trustful and mutually beneficial relationships with sites with high reputation.

Yes, hard work and hard work await you. It is not so easy to get a back link, but, if it succeeds, the effect will pay off all efforts with a hundredfold. As an example, it is much more profitable and useful to get back links from DA70 than  from a poor-quality blog DA30.

In other words, the quality of a link is not considered a direct mathematical multiplication. Simply because the site with DA70 is more guaranteed to have the best reference profile.

In principle, this logic explains why one should try to get links only in domains with a high DA (domain authority).

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The relevance of the donor site has always been sacrificed for the sake of high indicators of the domain or page, which was and is a certain short-sightedness. Link from a relevant site is not only safer, but also gives more weight compared to the same link from an irrelevant site.

Website Promotion through Crowd Marketing

We already wrote about the portrait of the ideal buyer, the composition of which will allow you to treat your visitors, as with good acquaintances. Accordingly, create content that will answer the questions of your potential customers.

The task is to understand who your potential client is, what he lives, where he spends his time, and where he is looking for answers to his questions, and to be in the right place. You may be tempted to start using the automated tools of crowd marketing. But, if you want to get really good results, be prepared for the fact that you have to work a lot with hands.

Look for an alternative for Page Rank

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Despite the fact that Google did not update Page Rank for several years, officially Page Rank was disabled only in April 2016, less than a year ago. As before, many SEO professionals use it as a benchmark and an indicator of the quality of the site or backlinks. We recommend to abandon PR as quickly as possible and go to more topical rankings such as Moz, Majestic or Ahrefs.

Anchor references were always an important indicator of the relevance of the link that conveyed the weight of the link. But, as the anchors began to be exploited mercilessly, this led to stricter sanctions from Google for unnatural anchors.

Try to distribute your keywords in anchors consisting of several words, so that it looks as natural as possible. And do not forget to keep an eye on ensuring that the percentage of anchor, and especially direct entries, does not exceed 1%.

Quality content

The benefits of creating interesting, useful, high-quality content are discussed at various venues almost daily. From the point of view of both linkbuilding and website promotion, creating text “under Google” no longer makes sense. Dot.

With the advent of artificial intelligence, LSI, RankBrain, etc. etc. Simple mechanical writing of texts no longer gives any advantage in the ranking.

No, of course, if we take 10 empty sites, and only one of them will correctly spell out all the necessary attributes and 300 words on each page, then, of course, the first place of delivery will get this site. But, in a highly competitive SERP’e, this is no longer coming out.

And about the buildup of the reference mass and even nothing to say. It is necessary to write only that content, which will be shared and read. Too few opportunities now for building up the reference mass, to scatter the opportunity to write good texts.

And the importance of content is too important. Content is not only links, social signals, but also behavioral factors that affect the ranking of the site.

Do not ignore social networks

OK, social networks are not an important factor in ranking, and they are unlikely to become this year, but! Such platforms as Facebook, Twitter, Vkontakte are the most powerful messenger of information, and it’s silly not to use it. And, maybe, direct SEO effect will not be so powerful, yet we can not just take it completely and completely ignore this possibility.


Promoting backlinks is such a powerful tool that it is very difficult to resist the temptation and not to use gray and black optimization methods. The last few years, we see how much effort Google spends on combating the methods of artificial building up the credibility of sites.

Our advice is very simple. Forget about the black methods of optimizing sites, and abandon those methods where there is a suspicion of at least one of the 50 shades of gray.

Only white methods of promotion will bring you the desired result and a restful sleep – after all, you will know for sure that your business will not die on the next update!

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